Monthly Archives: November 2006

links for 2006-11-29

  • Outreach, Inc. is a Christian ministry in Indianapolis reaching out to homeless and at-risk young adults with the compassion of Jesus Christ. Outreach accomplishes this by providing street outreach, a youth drop-in center, holistic social services, emerge

links for 2006-11-28

links for 2006-11-21

links for 2006-11-18

  • Need to resize images, but don’t have an image editor handy? You might want to try Resizr, an online image resizing service:

    Often you do not need more than just resizing an image on the fly. Before ResizR you required a desktop software to do this

    (tags: tools images)
  • O’Reilly Radar’s Web 2.0 Principles and Best Practices lays out the answers—the why, what, who, and how of Web 2.0. It’s an indispensable guide for technology decision-makers—executives, product strategists, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders—who ar
  • Think you’re ready to experiment with mashups? Before you start, consider these tips for a successful rollout
    (tags: mashup)
  • turns any image you uploaded as large as 6000*6000 into a custom Google Map in a really simple way. You can maintain markers for it, as well as embed it in your own web pages or blog.
    (tags: maps Google)

links for 2006-11-17

  • Our estimate, as you can see in BusinessWeek’s cover story, is that we’re saving $500K per year. We’ve been using S3 for almost 7 months so far (we launched it on or around April 14th), so for my $500K estimate to be in the right ballpark, we should
    (tags: s3)
  • Parents have a new tool in the fight to protect kids from inappropriate web content:, a child-friendly search engine that filters out sexually explicit material.
    (tags: search)
  • Mapping election results

    Just wanted to mention a set of redrawn maps of the county-by-county Iowa caucus results, from a former student of E.T.: iowacaucus/. Iowa was interesting to work on because the state is divided into an a

    (tags: design tufte)

links for 2006-11-16

links for 2006-11-15

Who Inspires You?

I was asked today “who is it that inspires you?” It didn’t take me long to come up with a pretty lengthy list:

Steve Jobs
Guy Kawasaki
Hillman Curits
Seth Godin
Steve Rubel
Clement Mok
Edward Tufte
My wife
Steven Berlin Johnson
David Allen
Donald Miller
Rob Bell
Teddy Roosevelt
Cory and Todd Edwards

Maybe I’ll take sometime on future posts to go into the who and why of each.

links for 2006-11-13

links for 2006-11-11